Triffo Hall
Triffo Hall was one of our favorite projects that we have worked on to date. Whenever you are able to be a part of such a thorough modernization, it is exciting to see all the new additions to the structure, but also the way in which you are able to utilize the existing features. In this case, we were able to combine the existing steel, hardwood, and concrete with new components of the same. It really makes for a unique finished job when you are able to successfully combine the original with the new. It is a tribute to the historical value of the structure as well as a notice that Triffo Hall will continue to be a vibrant part of the University of Alberta campus.
We were very honored to be one of the firms to receive a number of awards for our work on this building. This is by far the most environmentally conscious building that we have ever worked on. We installed a heat recovery ventilation system in addition to the displacement diffusers scattered throughout the structure. In regards to the lighting of the building, we installed a lighting control system that would allow for the maximum use of natural light, with a continuous skylight system on two sections of the saw tooth roof.
To help reduce the amount of water waste from Triffo Hall, we not only installed water-less urinals, but also installed a rainwater collection system. This system is responsible for supplying all of the grey water needs for the whole building.
Triffo Hall is a part of the University of Alberta Campus that is primarily utilized by graduate students. These students are the leaders and decision makers of tomorrow, and a number of those decisions will involve the environment in one capacity or another. It give us a real feeling of satisfaction to know that the building they utilize not only looks amazing and is functional, but that it pays special attention to the quality of the materials used, and is environmentally responsible in as many ways as possible.